Thursday, October 25, 2007

Illegal Immigration

First and foremost, it is important to differentiate between the topic of Legal Immigration and the popular discussion point of Illegal Immigration.

Most Americans have no problem with those people from other countries coming to our borders in the legal fashion and following the law. That is how we became a great country. By doing this, we can ensure that the people that come here are not infected with highly contagious diseases, don't have criminal back grounds and will add to the common good.

Where we seem to have a bottle neck is how we handle the problem of those potential immigrants that by-pass the legal method of gaining entrance, and crawl, swim or climb over our borders.

It is these people that cause harm to our country. They bring disease like TB into our population...cover our land with trash and waste...and put such a massive drain on our infrastructure that we wind up losing things like our trauma centers.

The laws are in place to deal with this problem, but no one seems to be willing to enforce them. We don't need to pass new laws to deal with this issue, we just need to enforce the ones that are currently on the books.


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